Examples for the buttons Field Partial

Define Available Buttons via Localization Yaml

If you invoke the field partial in app/views/account/some_class_name/_form.html.erb like so:

<%= render 'shared/fields/buttons', form: form, method: :enabled %>

You can define the available buttons in config/locales/en/some_class_name.en.yml like so:

        name: &enabled Enabled
        label: Should this item be enabled?
        heading: Enabled?
          yes: "Yes, this item should be enabled."
          no: "No, this item should be disabled."

Generate Buttons Programmatically

You can generate the available buttons using a collection of database objects by passing the button_field_options option like so:

<%= render 'shared/fields/buttons', form: form, method: :category_id,
  button_field_options: Category.all.map { |category| [category.id, category.label_string] } %>

Allow Multiple Button Selections

You can allow multiple buttons to be selected using the multiple option, like so:

<%= render 'shared/fields/buttons', form: form, method: :category_ids,
  button_field_options: Category.all.map { |category| [category.id, category.label_string] }, options: {multiple: true} %>

Dynamically Updating Form Fields

If you'd like to:

  • modify other fields based on the value of your buttons field, or
  • modify your buttons field based on the value of other fields

See Dynamic Forms and Dependent Fields.