Getting Started

Starting a New Project

Whether you want to build a new application with Bullet Train or contribute to Bullet Train itself, you should start by following the instructions on the starter repository.

Basic Techniques

If you're using Bullet Train for the first time, begin by learning these five important techniques:

  1. Use rails generate super_scaffold to scaffold a new model:

    rails generate super_scaffold Project Team name:text_field

    In this example, Team refers to the immediate parent of the Project resource. For more details, just run rails generate super_scaffold or read the documentation.

  2. Use rails generate super_scaffold:field to add a new field to a model you've already scaffolded:

    rails generate super_scaffold:field Project description:trix_editor

    These first two points about Super Scaffolding are just the tip of the iceberg, so be sure to circle around and read the full documentation.

  3. Figure out which ERB views are powering something you see in the UI by:

    • Right clicking the element.
    • Selecting "Inspect Element".
    • Looking for the <!-- BEGIN ... --> comment above the element you've selected.
  4. Figure out the full I18n translation key of any string on the page by adding ?show_locales=true to the URL.

  5. Use bin/resolve to figure out where framework or theme things are coming from and eject them if you need to customize something locally:

    bin/resolve Users::Base
    bin/resolve --open
    bin/resolve shared/box --open --eject

    Also, for inputs that can't be provided on the shell, there's an interactive mode where you can paste them:

    bin/resolve --interactive --eject --open

    And then paste any input, e.g.:

    <!-- BEGIN /Users/andrewculver/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/bullet_train-themes-light-1.0.10/app/views/themes/light/commentary/_box.html.erb -->