Dynamic Forms and Dependent Fields

Bullet Train introduces two new concepts to make your Hotwire-powered forms update dynamically on field changes.

  1. Dependent Fields Pattern
  2. Dependent Fields Frame

Dependent Fields Pattern

Let's say we have a super_select for a "Where have you heard from us?" field. And we'll have a text_field for "Other", disabled by default.

<%= render 'shared/fields/super_select',
    method: :heard_from,
    options: {include_blank: true}, 
    other_options: {search: true}
<%= render 'shared/fields/text_field',
    method: :heard_from_other,
    options: {disabled: true}

Our goal: if other is selected, enable the "Other" field.

We'll wire the super_select field with the dependable Stimulus controller. We'll also tie both fields using the dependable-dependents-selector-value. In this case, the id of the the heard_from_other field.

<%= render 'shared/fields/super_select',
    method: :heard_from,
    options: {include_blank: true}, 
    other_options: {search: true},
    wrapper_options: {
      data: {
        'controller': "dependable",
        'action': '$change->dependable#updateDependents',
        'dependable-dependents-selector-value': "##{form.field_id(:heard_from_other)}"
<%= render 'shared/fields/text_field',
    method: :heard_from_other,
    id: form.field_id(:heard_from_other),
    options: {disabled: true}

On $change (See super_select dispatched events), a custom dependable:updated event will be dispatched to all elements matching the dependable-dependents-selector-value. This gives us flexibility: disparate form fields don't need to be wrapped with a common Stimulus controlled-wrapper. This approach is favored over Stimulus outlets because here we're not coupling the functionality of the dependable and dependent fields. We're just dispatching Custom Events and using CSS selectors, preferably good old form.field_id's.

To let our :heard_from_other field handle the dependable:updated event, we'll assume we have created a custom field-availability Stimulus controller, with a #toggle method, looking for the expected value on the incoming event target element, in this case the dependable field.

<%= render 'shared/fields/text_field',
    method: :heard_from_other,
    id: form.field_id(:heard_from_other),
    options: {
      disabled: true,
      data: {
        controller: "field-availability",
        action: "dependable:updated->field-availability#toggle",
        field_availability_expected_value: "other"

Note: field-availability here is not implemented in Bullet Train. It serves as an example.

Next, we'll find a way to only serve the :heard_from_other field to the user if "other" is selected, this time by using server-side conditionals in a turbo_frame.

Dependent Fields Frame

What if you'd instead want to:

  • Not rely on a custom Stimulus controller to control the disabled state of the "Other" field
  • Show/hide multiple dependent fields based on the value of the dependable field.
  • Update more than the field itself, but also the value of its label. As an example, the address_field partial shows an empty "State / Province / Region" sub-field by default, and on changing the :country_id field to the United States, changes the whole :region_id to "State or Territory" as its label and with all US States and territories as its choices.

For these situations, Bullet Train has a dependent_fields_frame partial that's made to listen to dependable:updated events by default.

# update the super-select `dependable-dependents-selector-value` to "##{form.field_id(:heard_from, :dependent_fields)}" to match

<%= render "shared/fields/dependent_fields_frame", 
  id: form.field_id(:heard_from, :dependent_fields),
  form: form,
  dependable_fields: [:heard_from] do %>

  <% if form.object&.heard_from == "other" %>
    <%# no need for a custom `id` or the `disabled` attribute %>
    <%= render 'shared/fields/text_field', method: :heard_from_other %>
  <% end %>

  <%# include additional fields if "other" is selected %>
<% end %>

This dependent_fields_frame serves two purposes:

  1. Handle the dependable:updated event, so that the frame can...
  2. Re-fetch the current form URL (it could be for a #new or a #edit, it works in both situations) with a GET request (not a submit) that contains the heard_from value as a query_string param. It then ensures that our form.object.heard_from value gets populated with the value found in the query_string param automatically, with no changes needed to the resource controller. That's all handled by the dependent_fields_frame partial by reading its dependable_fields param.

With this functionality, the contents of the underlying turbo_frame will be populated with the updated fields.

Now let's say we want to come back to the disabled use case above, while using the dependent_fields_frame approach.

We'll move the conditional on the disabled property. And we'll also let the dependent_fields_frame underlying controller handle disabling the field automatically when the turbo_frame awaits updates.

<%= render "shared/fields/dependent_fields_frame", 
  id: form.field_id(:heard_from, :dependent_fields),
  form: form,
  dependable_fields: [:heard_from] do |dependent_fields_controller_name| %>

  <%= render 'shared/fields/text_field',
    method: :heard_from_other,
    options: {
      disabled: form.object&.heard_from != "other",
      data: {"#{dependent_fields_controller_name}-target": "field"}
<% end %>

To learn more about its inner functionality, search the bullet-train-core repo for dependable_controller.js, dependent_fields_frame_controller.js and _dependent_fields_frame.html.erb. You can also see an implementation by looking at the _address_field.html.erb partial.