
Webhooks::Outgoing::EventType inherits a class called ApplicationHash which includes helpful methods from ActiveHash.

ActiveHash itself is a simple base class that allows you to use a Ruby hash as a readonly datasource for an ActiveRecord-like model.

For webhooks in Bullet Train, this means that we can handle Webhooks::Outgoing::EventType similar to an ActiveRecord model even though it doesn't have a table in the database like models usually do, making it easier to order and utilize data like this in the context of a Rails application.

> rails c
irb(main):001:0> Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcept.all.class
=> Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcept::ActiveRecord_Relation
irb(main):002:0> Webhooks::Outgoing::EventType.all.class
=> ActiveHash::Relation

# An example from the EndpointSupport module
def event_types { |id| Webhooks::Outgoing::EventType.find(id) }

Now that we can use Webhooks::Outgoing::EventType like an ActiveRecord model, we can use methods like find, as well as declare associations like belongs_to for any models that inherit ApplicationHash.

Also, because the event types are declared in a YAML file, all you have to do is add attributes there to add changes to your ApplicationHash data.

Refer to the Active Hash repository for more details.