Field Partial Options

Most field partials have a native Rails form helper working underneath. To see what options you can pass to a partial, check the API for the form helper you want to edit.

In addition, Bullet Train provides framework-specific options which you can pass as other_options to further customize your fields.

General other_options Types

Some partials have specific types of other_options available for only that partial. However, the following other_options are available for all field partials, and you can pass them to a field partial like this.

<%= render 'shared/fields/text_field' method: :attribute_name, other_options: {help: "Custom help text"} %>
Key Description
:help Pass a String to display help text
:error Pass a String to write a custom error and outline the field in red
:required Pass a Boolean to make this field required or not
:label Pass a String to display a custom label
:hide_label Pass a Boolean to hide the label
:hide_custom_error Highlight the erroneous field in red, but hide the error message set in :error
:icon Add a custom icon as an HTML class (i.e. - ti ti-tablet)

other_options for Specific Field Partials

Partial Name Option Description
password_field :show_strength_indicator* Shows how strong the password is via a Stimulus controller with the colors red, yellow, and green.
super_select Refer to the super_select documentation Super Select fields have different kinds of options which are covered in another page.

*Currently, you must pass :show_strength_indicator to options, not other_options. This will change in a later version.

Field Partial Form Helpers

Most of the field partials have a native Rails form helper working underneath. Please use bin/resolve if you want to look at the source code for the partial (i.e. - bin/resolve shared/fields/text_field).

Partial Name Rails Form Helper
address_field select
boolean radio_button
buttons radio_button (check_box when options[:multiple] is true)
image file_field when using ActiveStorage (No Rails form helper is called when using Cloudinary)
color_picker hidden_field (Currently cannot edit this field)
date_and_time_field text_field
date_field text_field
email_field email_field
emoji_field hidden_field (Currently cannot edit this field)
options radio_button (check_box when options[:multiple] is true)
password_field password_field
phone_field text_field
super_select select
text_area text_area
text_field text_field
number_field number_field
trix_editor rich_text_editor