Field Partial
Examples and setup for the Active Storage
is designed to be used with Active Storage. You will need to confgure Active Storage for your application before using this field partial. You can find instructions for doing so in the Rails Guides.
In addition, Bullet Train has integrated the direct-uploads feature of Active Storage. For this to work, you need to have CORS configured for your storage endpoint. You can find instructions for doing so in the Rails Guides.
The following steps illustrate how to add a document
file attachment to a Post
Run the following command to generate the scaffolding for the document
field on the Post
rails generate super_scaffold:field Post document:file_field
Multiple Attachment Example
The following steps illustrate how to add multiple document
file attachments to a Post
Run the following command to generate the scaffolding for the documents
field on the Post
rails generate super_scaffold:field Post documents:file_field{multiple}
Generating a Model & Super Scaffold Example
If you're starting fresh, and don't have an existing model you can do something like this:
rails generate super_scaffold Project Team name:text_field specification:file_field documents:file_field{multiple}