👋 Welcome to Showcase — your UI Pattern Library!

What is this thing?

This resource is intended to be a hub for all-things UI for your developers, with the goal of sharing knowledge, promoting reuse of existing code, and ensuring consistency across your application.

How do I use it?

On each preview, you can add a series of usage examples for each component, style, or pattern. In the samples blocks, you'll see a live preview, as well as the source used to produce the example.

At the bottom of most previews, you will see a table, listing any options for configuring the partial or component.

But I don't see the thing I need 🤔

If you don't see the pattern or component here, that doesn't mean it doesn't aleady exist or can't be created with some combination of existing building blocks.

I have questions, who do I reach out to?

If you need help or have questions, please reach out to .

Additional resources